Find IT Partners Privacy Policy

Our policy covers data collected from‘s) users. Use of our services indicates agreement to personal info collection, usage, disclosure, and retention as outlined below.

Should personal info usage outlined in the policy concern you, kindly avoid using our services.

Who we are and how to contact us

We, at (FITP), operate as an online directory platform, dedicated to assisting clients in sourcing IT suppliers. Our platform helps clients find solution providers that are specialists in certain industries, sectors and technologies.

To contact us please use the ‘contact us’ at the foot of this website.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Information you submit

We gather information every time you use our services (e.g making searches and researching potential IT suppliers) and we also gather information when we conduct certain research.

We gather on you when you create an account with us. All of the information you submit when you create an account (ie as an IT supplier) is securely stored and kept within our records. To gain access to our paid subscriptions you have to submit banking/ credit card details.

The reviews you submit can be anonymous or not. Opting for the latter means your name, business name, project details, and photo will be viewable to others alongside your review. The actual information you submit within a review can be edited/ reworded if required.

Engaging in our surveys ensures your responses stay anonymous. Only generic job titles, industries, company sizes, departments, and locations will be displayed in the results.

Information From Third Parties

FITP reserves the right to gather, retain, and utilize your user ID associated with any social media account used for service sign-up. By logging into your account, you implicitly agree to our data collection, storage, and usage following the privacy policy. This encompasses data you’ve publicly shared, information social media services provide, and details from the sign-in process. Refer to your social media’s privacy policy and help center to understand how they share data during account linkage.

Automatically Collected Information


and third parties may employ automated methods to acquire details concerning you, your devices, and service usage. This data is collected through mechanisms such as cookies, web server logs, web beacons, and JavaScript.

Furthermore, diverse location-related information may be gathered, encompassing general data (like IP address and zip code) and more precise specifics (such as GPS-based functionality on mobile devices accessing the Services). This information might be utilized to personalize the Services with location-specific content, advertisements, and functionalities.

How GoodFirms Uses Information

The foundation on which we process your data legally.

Consent: Upon receiving our promotional materials, you agree to the processing of your personal information. You retain the right to revoke this consent at any point. Data processing ceases upon withdrawal of consent. Consent is the sole legal foundation for processing.

Upon contract fulfillment: We will handle your personal details upon your agreement to a contract. This encompasses scenarios like free trials, service or product purchases, and the execution of the signed contract.

Legitimate Interest: We handle your data when our valid interests necessitate it, ensuring that your data protection rights do not supersede these interests.

Legal Obligation: We will handle your data to adhere to our legal and regulatory duties, including preventing, probing, and identifying criminal activity, fraud, or anti-social behavior, and pursuing wrongdoers. This involves collaborating with law enforcement entities. Data processing may also serve to meet the requirements of relevant laws or enforceable governmental mandates. Your data is utilized for:

  • Establish your account and deliver the Services;
  • Satisfy your requests and deliver tailored content to match your requirements.
  • Engage in communication via email and other available channels within the Services.
  • Sustain the efficiency of advertisements and promotional material for our Services, incorporating analytics (as detailed in the Online Analytics, Advertising, and Do-Not-Track segment below);
  • Continuously enhance our Services, while exploring and innovating new features and services;
  • Offer input to third-party enterprises listed on the Services;
  • Take essential actions against harmful or illegal activities, including threats to personal safety, violations of our Terms of Service, and potential fraudulent activities.

How GoodFirms Share Information

We may disclose your data for these purposes:

Your user profile information, along with GoodFirms content, might be visible to others. When you post a review, its content and your name (unless anonymous) could appear in search engine results.

FITP could share reviews or testimonials you’ve provided about us or service providers in our research. This may include your name (if not anonymous), title, company, and related details.

With your consent or when following your instructions, we may share data.

We might share data with third-party vendors or business partners who offer services on our behalf, like analytics, customer service, surveys, payments, marketing, and fraud prevention. Third-party vendors may collect data for our services. They’re restricted from sharing or using it for other purposes.

In cases of transferring assets or business during mergers, acquisitions, etc., we may share your data.

To combat potential unlawful activities, comply with legal processes, or meet legal requirements, GoodFirms may share necessary information. This is deemed appropriate in situations involving physical safety threats, term violations, breach claims from third parties, or to safeguard our rights, property, and safety, including employees and users.

Do Not Track

“Do Not Track” (DNT) is a privacy choice users can configure in certain web browsers, notifying websites and services to abstain from gathering particular details about their web browsing history across online platforms. However, we do not acknowledge or act upon browser-initiated DNT signals. The internet is currently navigating the definition of DNT, strategies for adherence, and the establishment of a unified approach to address DNT.

Your Data Privacy Rights

UK Data Privacy Rights:

When using our services within the UK, the account user holds the rights to access, information, rectification, processing restriction, erasure, objection, data portability, automated decision-making, and profiling of your data. To exercise these rights, please contact us. Our data protection team will verify your identity before granting access, rectification, or deletion.


At FITP, we have instituted a range of technical, administrative, and physical measures to safeguard your data. These precautions are tailored according to the sensitivity of the specific information involved.

Data Retention

At FITP, user data is retained as long as their account remains active or as necessary to furnish our services, or in the presence of a continuing legitimate business requirement.

Moreover, we will utilize your data to fulfill legal obligations, enforce agreements, and resolve disputes.

We retain your information for as long as it serves the purpose for which it was collected. In instances where no ongoing legitimate business requirement necessitates data processing, FITP will either delete or anonymize the data. If feasible (for example, when personal information is stored for backup archives), we will securely preserve your personal data, isolating it from further processing until it can be erased.

Children’s Privacy

At FITP, our Services are not intended for use by individuals under the age of 13. We do not knowingly gather personal information from individuals under 13 years old, nor do we permit any third party to do so. If we become aware that personal information has been collected from someone under 13, we will promptly delete the information and terminate their account.

Privacy Policy Modifications

This Privacy Policy is subject to periodic revisions to reflect shifts in our business practices and legal obligations. We will offer suitable notifications, including the updated date, should any modifications occur. Kindly review it thoroughly. If you do not concur with the privacy policy, please discontinue the use of our services. By continuing to use FITP’s services subsequent to the publication or communication of changes to our Privacy Policy, we will presume your consent to said alterations.

Reach Out to FITP

For inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or to connect with our Data Protection Officer, please get in touch with us via our ‘contact us’ page

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