Your Questions Answered

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Listing FAQ's

How to open an account?

Click the blue button (Become a partner) at the top right of the screen. If you don't have an account the page will offer for you to sign up. Complete the registration with a username, email and password. Then tick the privacy policy, the T&Cs (after reading them) and press 'sign-up'.

How to add listing?

Listing's can only be added by logged-in users. So step one is to log in. Step two, press the (blue)'become a partner' button. This will take you through to our membership plans. Choose a plan, press 'continue' and this will then take you through to the listing page where you can begin filling in your company details which will eventually populate your business profile/ listing. After completing the registration form and ticking the privacy policy and T&Cs boxes, press 'Submit Listing'. After this you'll be taking throug hto the payment page. Follow the steps there and copmlete the payment. After this you'll get notified that payment has been copmleted and your listing will be available in your user dashboard (click the user icon in the top right)

How to remove a listing

Listings can be removed at any point, however we advise removing a listing as close to the renewal date as possible. To remove the listing just send an email to requesting listing removal. The listing will then be manually deleted by our team. We will aim to remove the listing before the very next renewal date, however this is subject to receiving notification at least 10 working days before the next renewal date. We will endeavour to process any requests to remove listings submitted after this, however only to reansible endeavours before the next renewal date.

How do I find the service I'm looking for?

FITP is a growing organisation; our portfoleo of services and partners can be accessed in the 'find services' tab at the top of the website. Here you'll see all of our partners and the services they deliver. If you're unsure what service you're after, contact us directly and we'll introduce you to some partners we think will be a good fit.

How does it work?

As an IT provider, the platform is relatively simple: create an account> choose which type of subscription you want for your business> complete your company profile and relevant experience/ skillset and publish. For prospctive customers it's even easier. Simply use the search box and filters on the front page to find the services and partners you're looking for and press GO! You'll then be met with a list of potential IT partners who you can then research and contact directly if you wish.

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