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Social Information
Company Location
East, Midlands, North, North Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland North, Scotland South, Scotland - Other Regions, South East, South Wales, South West, UK Wide
Public Sector Experience
Central Government, Critical National Infrastructure, Education, Healthcare, Local Regional Government, Military and Defence, Police and Law Enforcement, Public Transport
Private Sector Experience
Small to Medium Businesses, Medium to Large Businesses
Private Sector Industries
Corporate Services, Finance, Legal, Nonprofit


We at UK Cyber Security Ltd are committed to keeping your information secure. From homes to large businesses, we want to protect it all. Using our “best practices” we aim to prevent any loss of data by accidental means as well as malicious hackers.

We specialise in helping companies achieve Cyber Essentials and IASME Cyber Assurance certification - both are backed by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

As a certificatin body, we can help you through the entire process and put you on a path to a secure future.

Additional Details

ISO 27001 Certifications, Cyber Essentials

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