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UK Cyber Security Association Ltd

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Company Location
UK Wide
Public Sector Experience
Central Government, Critical National Infrastructure, Education, Healthcare, Local Regional Government, Military and Defence, Police and Law Enforcement, Public Transport
Private Sector Experience
Small to Medium Businesses, Medium to Large Businesses
Private Sector Industries
Corporate Services, Finance, Legal, Nonprofit



The association is for anyone who is interested in Cyber Security Issues. You could be an individual who is interested in getting a job in the industry to a large corporation who needs help and assistance to protect themselves from cyber threats.


The UK Cyber Security Association is run by a team of cyber security industry professionals. The work of the association is overseen through various working groups.

It was in an expressions of interest phrase to see if there is a need and desire for an organisation to provide these services, and we are now officially open for membership. Our launch day was Tuesday 4th May 2021 – Star Wars Day.

We will continue to work on these campaigns as we grow and develop.

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