About Us

On a mission to help you find your next IT Partner.


Our story

At Find IT Partners, we are passionate about helping customers find their next IT service provider. Our journey began with the goal of creating a single platform for IT partners to promote their services, their experience and specialist skillsets so that prospective customers could easily find them and reach out.


The problem?

Finding trustworthy and reliable IT partners has always been challenging for businesses and public sector organisations. The marketplace has been a minefield for decades, with businesses promoting unreliable and exaggerated information about skills and experience, making it difficult for prospective customers to find the right IT partners for them.


Our solution

To solve this, we created an online platform that brought together both customers and UK-based IT partners in a single marketplace, streamlining the selection process for prospective customers and giving you the control and oversight you need to find the best partner. Likewise, the platform benefits our partners by introducing customers that fit their target market, allowing the experts to do what they’re good at with the customers they know.

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